Academic Programs
WJU offers 10 degree programs to meet a range of needs-preparation for ministry or further education, personal or spiritual enrichment, and everything in between.
Academic Policies
The school year at Washington Jabez University is divided into two regular semesters, fall and spring, and into two intensive sessions, summer intensives and winter intensive. The fall and Spring Semesters have 15 to 17 weeks of class work. The summer and the winter sessions are divided into several two-week terms running during the summer and the winter vacations. The Fall Semester typically begins the last week of August and ends in December. The Spring Semester typically begins the last week of January and ends in May.
The basic unit for credit earned is the semester hour, represented by one hour of class work per week for 15 weeks. In field education, 30 hours of work is required for one unit.
Students must be enrolled for a maximum of 12 semester hours in all degree programs in order to be classi- fied as full-time students. Special permission must be granted to enroll in more than 18 hours per semester. Such permission must be approved in writing from the Admission Committee before registration.
Washington Jabez University utilizes letter grades. Grades are reported to students in writing from the Registrar’s Office. Grades are designated as follows:
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D 1.0
F 0.0
E (Retest)* (Incomplete)**
CR (Credit)
NC (No Credit)
H (Hold)
p (Pass)
NP (No Pass)
*A grade of “ E” can be raised up to a grade “ B” by passing the retest.
*A grade of “ I” can be raised up to a grade “ B” by the end of the next semester when all course requirements have been satisfied.
*A grade of “CR” will not be included in the computation of grade point average.
Regularly matriculated students, as well as those not enrolled in the School, may audit a course upon the written permission of the professor involved and the Dean of Academic Affairs. An application to audit must be submitted and tuition must be paid before auditing. Credit is not given to auditing students. There are no scholarships available for auditing students. The auditing fee is normally 50% of the regular tuition.
Class Attendance
Regular classroom attendance is crucial in preparation for ministry. Students, therefore, are expected to attend class sessions. Those with absences may be penalized at the discretion of the professor. Absences exceeding one-third of the total scheduled class periods will result in automatic failing grades. The student who has been absent due to illness or family crisis must explain the absence directly to the professor. In certain exceptional cases, such as an extended illness or family crisis in which it is impossible for a student to complete a semester’s work, he or she may present a written request to the Dean of Academic Affairs for permission to withdraw from all courses in the semester without penalty.
Small Group Interaction
Some classes include time for small group interaction so that students may process what they learn through discussion, sharing, and prayer.
Students are expected at all times to conduct themselves as mature Christians. Student conduct is under the supervision of the Dean of Student Affairs. The School reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct is found to be unsatisfactory on the basis of the moral, spiritual and ethical principles found in Scripture and Washington Jabez University standards.
Academic Probation
To remain in acceptable academic standing, a student must maintain a grade point average of 2.0 in all course work taken at Washington Jabez University. The school will notify the student whose cumulative average falls below 2.0 and will place the student on academic probation. A student may be dismissed if the student fails to attain a 2.0 average or above during the probationary period.
Requirements for Graduation
In addition to the regulations outlined under the sections dealing with degree requirements in this catalog, a degree candidate must satisfy the residency requirement, and all assigned work for a prospective graduate must be completed. A grade point average of 2.0 or above is required for graduation in bachelor and master’s degrees. A Bible comprehensive examination is required to all degree awarding students, with a minimum passing score of 100 out of 150 questions correctly answered. A graduation comprehensive examination is required for all master’ s degree level students with a minimum passing score of seven out of ten questions (70%) selected out of thirty study questions which are prepared in advance in the fields of Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, Theology of Mission, and Practical Theology. The graduation comprehensive examination can be substitute by a thesis or dissertation.
Application for Graduation
Students must file their applications and pay their graduation fee for graduation at the time of enrollment for their last semester of resident study. All financial accounts are to be in satisfactory order before a student is permitted to graduate. Student s are expected to be present for graduation. Graduation in absentia will be permitted only by special approval of the Dean of Academic Affairs in response to a written request which cites reasons.
Academic Freedom Policies
Academic Freedom is endorsed at Washington Jabez University by the following policy based on materials provided by the American Association of University Professors.
Academic freedom at the Washington Jabez University in order to promote, not an individual teacher’s interest or the interest of the institution, but to preserve the common good. Academic freedom in teaching is fundamental for protections of rights of the teacher in teaching and the student in freedom to learn.
(1) Teachers are entitled to full freedom in research and in the publication of results, subject to adequate performance of their other academic duties; but research for monetary return should be based upon an understanding with authorities of the institution.
(2) Teachers are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing the subject matter, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matters which have no relation to the subject.
(3) Instructor s bring three social role s to their work; they are citizens, members of a learned profession,and employees of Washington Jabez University. When Instructors speak or write as citizens, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline. As instructors and employees, they should remember that the public may judge their profession and Washington Jabez University by their utterances. Therefore, instructors should at all times be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate that they are not speaking for the University.
(4) Students also shall have academic freedom to address topics to be learned without bias or constraint. Students should remember that they have the freedom to freely express their views on subject matters in the classroom. However, rules of common courtesy and the rights of all students to express their views should be respected as classroom discussions touch on topics about which there is a diversity of opinion.
Right to Review the Academic Record
Students have the right to review their own academic records on file. To review them, a request form must be filed. Any error will be corrected.
Leave of Absence
In the case of discontinuing course work due to serious illness or other valid reasons, permission for a leave of absence will be granted by the Dean of Academic Affairs. The student, however, must submit a petition through a form provided in the office.
To begin a study, all students without exception must submit registration forms each semester, approved by the advisor, and/or dean. Student information, the title, and number of the course, must be written down correctly on the registration form.
Graduation/Bible Examination
All prospective graduates in the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs must pass a Bible comprehensive examination. The exam is offered twice a year, normally once in the fall and once in the spring. Out of
150 questions (75 from the Old Testament and 75 from the New Testament), at least I00 questions are to be answered correctly in order to pass. The questions are from the text of the Bible itself. A graduation comprehensive examination is required to meet the qualification of the master’s degrees. This exam aims to test the basic knowledge of the core courses in the fields of Biblical Theology, Systematic Theology, Historical Theology, Theology of Mission, and Practical Theology. Students must write correct answers to seven questions out of ten, which are selected out of the thirty study questions which are prepared in advance. The passing score will be 70% or above.
Students who enroll in the Master of Divinity degree program can write a thesis as a substitute for the graduate comprehensive examination. There will be three approval item s for the thesis and dissertation:
1. The approval of the subject.
2. The approval of the outline and bibliography.
3. The approval of the first draft and the following drafts.
These are to be read and evaluated by two readers and the dissertation by three readers. Approved disserta- tion s should be kept in the library.
Full/Part Time Status
The students who register with 12 or above semester units are considered full-time students. The normal load for full-time student is 15 to 18 hours a week. Any student whose GPA in a previous semester is 3.5 or above can register up to 21-semester units with the dean’s approval.
Contract, Cancellation, and Dismissal
Since registration is a kind of contract between students and the school, it could be canceled anytime by students without hindrance. The contract and cancellation form is ready in the office. Concerning refunds see the Finance and Scholarship section. Any student who does not register consecutively for more than two semesters without written notification will be dismissed automatically for academic reasons. Any dismissed students who desire to be re-admitted must submit the application form for re-admission.
Retention of Student Record
Important documents including student registrations, transcripts, and finances are preserved in a fire- proof cabinet and in the form of a computer disc. In the case of the permanent closing of the school, the Washington Jabez University will preserve the documents. Student academic and financial records will be maintained for five years, student transcripts are kept for fifty years.
Code of Academic Ethics
It is assumed that each student who enrolls at the WJU should be in accord with the school’s aims and should cooperate in furthering these purposes by adhering to the regulations governing student behavior. WJU reserves the right to terminate the enrollment of any student when such action is deemed to be in the best interest of the university or of the student.
The code of academic ethics attempts to stimulate not only intellectual growth, but also spiritual, ethical, and emotional growth. The WJU code of academic ethics fosters among students, faculty, and administrators a spirit of community where such development can take place. Furthermore, it creates a climate of mutual trust, respect, and interpersonal concern where openness and integrity prevail.
The code emphasizes the dignity of each individual in pursuing self-improvement and developing full personal potential. It provides free competition and independent intellectual effort, without tolerating dishonesty, cheating, or plagiarism in any form. Each member of the WJU community is expected to adhere to and enforce the code. A full statement of the WJU’s Code of Academic Ethics is included in the WJU Student Handbook. It is the obligation of every student to be familiar with this code.
Doctoral Degree
Graduate Degrees
Undergraduate Degrees